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Two Men Attempted To Break In Jada Pinkett Smith’s Home While She Was Inside



Jada Pinkett Smith had a wild situation go down at her crib in LA this week. So, get this, two dudes in hoodies straight-up tried to climb onto her balcony while she was chilling inside!

LW enforcement sources told TMZ that these guys thought they had the perfect moment, rolling up around 8 PM, thinking Jada wouldn’t be onto them. But guess what? Jada ain’t no one to mess with, ’cause she spotted them and scared them off like a boss.

Of course, the cops got called, but by the time they showed up, these wannabe burglars were already outta there, vanished into thin air.

Now, was Jada the target? Or were these fools just hitting up fancy homes in the area? Who knows, man.

Anyway, the cops filed a report and are on the case. But let’s be real, Jada’s been doing her own thing since her split with Will, and even though they’re still cool, it’s unlikely he was there when this drama went down.


And speaking of drama, remember when Jada said her and Will would eventually move back in together? Yeah, that’s still up in the air. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

