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Jessie Williams And Estranged Wife entangled In a Huge Feud Stemming From Instagram Posts



Grey’s Anatomy heartthrob, Jesse Williams, has had legal documents filed against him from posting images of his children on his social media accounts. The documents were filed, by his estranged wife Aryn Drake Lee. She “believes the images being posted, only leaves the door open for Jesse’s crazy fans to be obsessive or even try to harm the children to get close to him.” Jesse fought back by saying that it was his legal right to post. However, he has since taken all photos containing the children’s faces down.

Jeff Lewis (@JeffFromHarlem) successful career thus far in media and publishing is quickly on the rise. Since the start of his career in 2009, he has become one of the most influential bloggers/pop culture commentators in New York City. If you read the blogs or spend time using social media, it's almost impossible not to stumble upon his work.

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