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August Alsina Speaks On Betrayal and Abuse Of Power In The Industry



A fan of August Alsina expressed that she was not happy that he no longer releases music. The singer responded with a message about betrayal and the abuse of power that goes on in the industry.

One day it’ll be revealed the diabolical level of doxxing, railroading, stonewalling, road blocking, gas lighting & betrayal that goes on behind the scenes within this industry. Abuse of power, all in the name of up-keeping facades, promotion of lies and illusions; While simultaneously hiding of hands to make it look as though you’re fighting an invisible boogey-man. In this industry there is no HR to report this kind of behavior to. BUT GOD has never slept on my prayers or report.

Give. It. Time! In the other news, l’ve been building business and exploring new territory, successfully:) check it out;

