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Will Smith Tried to Date ‘Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ Co-Star Karyn Parsons



Will Smiths Memoir is getting a lot of attention as it contains lots of juicy details about his career. Smith wrote about his TV show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, he revealed he tried to date co-star Karyn Parsons. “I tried to explain we were not really cousins so it would be fine if we dated,” Smith wrote, according to Entertainment Weekly. “I swear it won’t mess up our working relationship.’”

“She knew better than — good call, K.P.” EW says Smith wrote. “[Parsons] was smart enough to tell me ‘hell no.’”Parsons was committed to her career. Smith wrote she “beat out a slew of Hollywood big hitters to win her role.” During Fresh Prince Parsons appeared in movies like Class Act and Major Payne. After the show, she was on short-lived series like Lush Life and The Job. After 2002, Parsons stepped back from acting and founded Sweet Blackberry. She also wrote children’s books like Flying Free: How Bassie Coleman’s Dreams Took Flight and How High the Moon. Parsons appeared in the HBO Max Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reunion.

