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Amber Rose Slams Claims of Trump Endorsement for Pardon as “Absolutely Ridiculous”



Amber Rose has vehemently denied allegations that she endorsed Donald Trump in exchange for a pardon related to an alleged crypto scam. The model and actress took to social media to refute these claims, calling them “absolutely ridiculous.”

Allegations and Denial

Recent rumors suggested that Rose had agreed to support Trump publicly in return for a presidential pardon concerning her involvement in a cryptocurrency scheme. Rose addressed these rumors head-on, dismissing them as baseless and absurd. She emphasized that she has never been involved in any crypto scam and has no need for a pardon.

Public Response

Rose’s denial has been met with mixed reactions from the public and her followers. Some have expressed support for her stance, while others remain skeptical. The incident highlights the ongoing controversies and misinformation surrounding high-profile figures and their alleged political connections.

