Mariah Carey shared devastating news, revealing that both her mother, Patricia, and sister, Alison, passed away on the same day over the weekend. The singer expressed...
In a recent interview on Fox & Friends, former President Donald Trump stated his desire to visit a Black barbershop after seeing a segment about one...
In a surprising turn of events, Yung Miami and DJ Akademiks, known for their public beef, have agreed to sit down for an interview on “Caresha...
Diddy was recently seen greeting fans in South Beach, Miami, marking his first public appearance since a Wyoming white water rafting trip. Despite ongoing legal battles...
6ix9ine’s attempt to regain momentum in the rap game after a controversial career has been met with disdain from peers. Lil Tjay recently added to the...
Antonio Brown, the former NFL star, joined Tokyo Toni, Tia Kemp, and Karlissa Saffold on the Aunt Tea podcast for a wild episode. The conversation took...
Over the weekend, Eboni Ivori, the mother of one of London On Da Track’s children, accused him on Instagram of being an absent father, sharing photos...
Cam Newton, in a conversation with Dr. Cheyenne Bryant, opened up about his reluctance to have more children or get married. The NFL star, who has...
Nicki Minaj is being sued by a fan, Tameer Peak, who claims that she slandered him by labeling him as a mentally unstable stalker and insinuating...
A Kentucky judge has dismissed charges against two former Louisville police officers, Joshua Jaynes and Kyle Meany, in connection with the 2020 raid that led to...