Brooke Jones, a serial entrepreneur, aims to support formerly incarcerated single mothers by providing scholarships for their education. Her initiative, entitled "From Bars to Boss," aims...
Ne-Yo has filed a motion to establish the paternity of his youngest two children he welcomed with his mistress Sade during his marriage to Crystal Smith....
Young Buck reposted Tony Yayo announcing to G Unit fan to vote for best group for BET’s 50 hip hop anniversary. He asked you guys to...
Boston-based hip-hop artist L0rd Ju, also known as Gorgeous Gangsta, is making waves with the release of her summer hit "Back Outside." The song has been...
Trey Songz takes plea deal in bowling alley incident. The 38-year-old singer was ordered to complete 12 anger management classes after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct....
Congrats to MissyElliott and Chaka Khan! The two have been named as inductees for the 2023 class of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Missy...
Lala asked Diddy the million dollar question on the red carpet and he responded letting the world know Caresha is his date for the night and...