A new documentary titled “Chris Brown: The Rise and Fall,” focused on the domestic violence allegations against Chris Brown, is set to air on Investigation Discovery...
Raven-Symoné announced the passing of her father, Christopher Pearman, sharing the news on social media. She posted a heartfelt tribute, expressing her love and gratitude towards...
Boosie BadAzz shared a public apology to his daughter Iviona after she expressed the hurt she felt from him constantly attacking her sexuality. During a sit...
Damian Lillard want y’all to stop trying to make fetch happen. During NBA media day he was asked if once again if anything was going on...
Lil Reese was arrested in Houston for allegedly assaulting his ex-girlfriend, leading to charges of aggravated assault causing bodily injury. The arrest came after Reese was...
Nicki Minaj made headlines during her “Pink Friday 2” tour after she fired her longtime DJ, DJ Boof, in the middle of a performance. The incident,...
Jussie Smollett is reflecting on the turmoil surrounding his infamous alleged hate crime hoax scandal, sharing insight into his lowest moments ahead of the premiere of...
The family of disgraced R&B star R. Kelly is speaking out in a new documentary that dives into the impact of his alleged crimes. In a...
Former NBA star JR Smith and actress Candice Patton have welcomed their first child, marking an exciting new chapter in their lives. The couple, who had...
Shannon Sharpe is no stranger to controversy, but his recent comments on the WNBA and a Black woman’s hair have sparked a wave of criticism. The...