Despite facing serious legal troubles and a four-year prison sentence, Blueface is maintaining a positive outlook. The “Thotiana” rapper, who turned himself in earlier this year...
Cardi B and Offset divorce battle is getting messy or it’s just another press stunt for attention. The two seem to be on good terms during...
Music mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs is reportedly experiencing extreme paranoia while incarcerated, to the point where he has stopped eating, fearing his food might be poisoned....
Latto linked up with the young woman who went viral after getting fired from Waffle House for participating in her ‘Brokey’ challenge! Watch below!
In her newly released memoir, Who’s That Girl?, rapper and actress Eve is shedding light on a life-saving moment involving pop icon Janet Jackson. Eve recalls...
The children of Sean “Diddy” Combs and Kim Porter released a statement. Quincy, Christian, D’Lila and Jesse speak out on behalf of their parents. They are...
Everything is being put on the table during Young Dolph’s murder trial. One of the alleged killers testified that someone from Yo Gotti’s label, CMG, paid...
Nicki Minaj has firmly denied rumors that she dissed Beyoncé after a recent tweet sparked speculation among fans. The controversy began when Minaj tweeted and then...
Angela Simmons can’t seem to catch a break when it comes to love. She lost the father of her son to gun violence and it was...