Judge Greg Mathis, known for his long-running TV show Judge Mathis, was served divorce papers at his Beverly Hills home by his wife, Linda Mathis, after...
Love & Hip-Hop star Erica Banks faced backlash after sharing personal moments with late rapper Rich Homie Quan shortly after his death. In a now-deleted Instagram...
Joseline Hernandez, known for Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta and Joseline’s Cabaret, graces the cover of Playboy Mexico’s September issue. The reality star and entrepreneur shared...
50 Cent recently opened up about his personal life on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, discussing his decision to remain unmarried. Reflecting on past relationships,...
Jamie Foxx is set to open up about his recent health scare during a series of stand-up comedy shows in Atlanta this October. The performances, titled...
Marlon Wayans recently shared a poignant memory of meeting 2Pac just 20 minutes before the rapper was shot in a 1996 drive-by in Las Vegas. On...
Ari Fletcher recently clapped back at interviewer Chris Cousan during a street interview. After Chris asked her to rate his outfit and request for a 360...
The legal battle between Sean “Diddy” Combs and accuser April Lampros is escalating. Lampros’ attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, responded to Diddy’s team’s motion to dismiss with a...
“Good Morning America” exclusively announced the full list of celebrities hitting the ballroom for season 33 of Dancing With The Stars. “Real Housewives” star Phaedra Parks,...
Rich Homie Quan has vehemently denied claims made by Lil Woody regarding his involvement in an Atlanta barbershop shooting. In a recent interview, Quan expressed frustration...