In a surprising turn of events at Big Fendi’s recent pool party, the host found himself facing an unexpected challenge: none of the guests wanted to...
A recently surfaced video purportedly capturing R. Kelly singing behind bars has gone viral, igniting a flurry of reactions across social media. The embattled R&B singer,...
Tasha K is not backing down after Soulja Boy filed a $16 million defamation lawsuit against her and William The Baddest. The lawsuit stems from allegations...
Nicki Minaj’s mother Carol Miraj and Pop Smoke’s mother Audrey Jackson arrive at fashion show in Queens to Walk the runway in honor of Pop Smoke....
Netflix’s film “Leave the World Behind” has gained viral attention following a real-life tech disaster that closely mirrors its plot. The movie, which revolves around a...
Luenell had some hilarious comments on Ray J and Kim Kardashian’s tape compared to Paris Hilton’s and on adult entertainment as a whole.
Latto recently addressed rumors of a feud with fellow rapper Ice Spice, clarifying that she has no desire for beef. In a candid discussion, Latto emphasized...
During a recent Instagram Live session, Doja Cat’s broadcast was abruptly interrupted by a NSFW incident involving a man’s butt appearing on screen. The unexpected event...
Donald Trump made his first public statement since surviving an assassination attempt, expressing disbelief and gratitude. During a speech, he remarked, “I’m not supposed to be...
Angela Simmons speaks with The Breakfast Club about getting backlash for wearing a Gun Purse To The BET Awards. She explains why she issued an apology.