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Colin Kaepernick Will Be Signed By An NFL Team, According to Attorney



Colin Kaepernick maybe signed to an NFL team according to his attorney, Mark Geragos. He expects Kaepernick to be sign within 10 days.

During an appearance on The Adam Carolla Show, he states:

“I think within the next 10 days somebody will sign him,” he said. “I think somebody’s gonna sign him. I think the NFL has to come to their senses, and realize every day that goes by just proves the collusion case even more.”

Kaepernick was previously signed to the San Francisco 49ers in 2016. However, many believed that he was blackballed by the NFL owners after he made a decision to kneel during the national anthem.

He has since filed grievance, claiming that the league is participating in collusion. But, it is very possible that he may drop the case if he is signed to a team.

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