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Diddy Accuser’s Lawyer Responds to His Legal Team’s “Disturbing” Motion to Dismiss



The legal battle between Sean “Diddy” Combs and accuser April Lampros is escalating. Lampros’ attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, responded to Diddy’s team’s motion to dismiss with a contesting move, adding new allegations to the complaint while withdrawing certain emotional distress claims. Blackburn condemned Diddy’s legal team for questioning his credibility and attempting to dismiss the case as “salacious.” He emphasized the seriousness of the accusations, stating that Diddy must be held accountable for his actions before a jury.

Blackburn argued that Diddy’s legal team’s accusations against him, claiming that he files frivolous cases to gain media attention, are unsubstantiated and distracting from the core issue of holding the music mogul accountable for his alleged actions. He criticized their attempt to downplay Lampros’ case by attaching it to unrelated legal matters, framing it as an effort to force settlements rather than a genuine pursuit of justice.

In response to the attack on his credibility, Blackburn labeled the behavior of Diddy’s legal counsel as “disturbing,” suggesting they had developed a “sick obsession” with discrediting him. He emphasized that Diddy’s legal team should focus on addressing the criminal behavior alleged in the complaint instead of engaging in character attacks. Moreover, Blackburn clarified that no settlement was ever sought by his client and that the aim is to bring the case to trial.

This ongoing legal fight follows multiple claims of misconduct against Diddy, including sexual assault and battery, adding to the intense scrutiny surrounding the music mogul.

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