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Ensa Cosby, Dies at the age of 44



Ensa Cosby

The hardest thing is losing someone close to you. But when it’s your child for some reason that makes it ten times harder. It’s so sad to hear the passing of Bill Cosby’s daughter. As the saying goes “No one should ever have to bury their child” or “No one should outlive their child”.

Bill Cosby lost his son Ennis Cosby January 16, 1997, and now his daughter Ensa Cosby.

You never get over the loss of losing someone. To lose two of your own is heartbreaking. My heart hurts for him.

We do hope Ensa Cosby is at peace as well knowing the charges against her father were dropped, and that his family continues to heal and find peace as well.

It’s Only Entertainment sends their love and prayers to Bill Cosby, Family and Friends. 

