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Famous Richard Accuses NBA Youngboy of Working with the Feds, Claims He Snitched On Lil Durk



In a dramatic turn of events, rapper Famous Richard has stirred up controversy by publicly accusing NBA Youngboy of cooperating with federal authorities. The allegations, which were made on Instagram stories, were posted and then quickly deleted by Famous Richard.

The rapper claimed that NBA Youngboy’s quick releases from federal custody raise suspicions. Richard pointed out that this is the third time Youngboy has been freed within a span of four years, despite facing new charges each time. Famous Richard questioned how it was possible for someone to serve just 10 months of a 23-month sentence, stating, “WTF my first offer was 5 years for a pipe that the police put on me.” Richard also alluded to the possibility that Youngboy’s legal situations could be linked to cooperation with the authorities, stating, “Dude most definitely 12. He probably the reason smurk locked up,” referencing rapper Lil Durk’s associate.

The post also included a broader message about trust, independence, and the importance of choosing the right people to surround oneself with. Famous Richard expressed regret over not building a more genuine team during his time in the industry, cautioning others to be mindful of the company they keep. “I never trusted nobody that’s why I stayed independent,” he wrote. “You never know people’s intentions.”

These explosive claims are sure to ignite conversations in the hip-hop world, as both NBA Youngboy and Famous Richard have been involved in numerous controversies over the years.

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