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Floyd Mayweather Sending Private Jet To Israel To Deliver Supplies



Floyd Mayweather has arranged to send his private plane with supplies to the front lines in Israel.

Floyd teamed up with a relief organization in Israel and arranged to send “Air Mayweather” to the Middle to deliver supplies. They’re planning to bring food, water and bulletproof vests for the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and civilians.

This past summer, Floyd helped 70 families with food, shelter, and transportation after the Maui fires.

Mayweather has made it clear that he’s firmly with the Israelis.

“I stand with Israel against the Hamas terrorists. Hamas do not represent the people of Palestine but are a terrorist group that are attacking innocent lives! I stand for all humans and wish for the safe return of all Americans and Israelis and any human that were kidnapped as hostages during these horrific war crimes.”


“This is not a time for politics. This is a time for safety first and foremost. God Bless America. God Bless Israel. God Bless Human Kind!”

In a follow-up post on social media, Mayweather again reiterated his support, and condemned terorism.

“I stand with Israel and Jews all around the world. I condemn antisemitism at all cost. I stand for Peace. I stand for Human Rights! Terrorism Is Never The Answer!”

