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Gruesome Video Shows Ecuador Cartel Totally Terrorizing The General Public After Drug Lord Escapes Prison



Cartel killers are straight-up wildin’, blasting shots in public, and the vids hitting the net are jaw-dropping – and not in a good way.

The chaos is so insane that Ecuador’s government dropped the emergency flag, sending in the military to shut it down. But hold up, it’s a messy scene – arrests left and right, but who knows if Ecuador’s justice system can clean up this mess. The country’s been swimming in corruption rumors, so fingers crossed, they get it together.

What sparked this madness? A dude named Adolfo ‘Fito’ Macias pulled a bold prison break, leading the notorious Los Choneros crew. Now, they’re flexing their muscle, facing off not just against the law but also citizens packing heat.

It’s a sketchy situation, let’s hope Ecuador can squash this chaos real quick. 🤞

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