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Kelsey Harris Testifies At Megan Thee Stallion and Tory Lanez Case Leaving Everyone Confused Because Her Math Not Mathing



Megan thee Stallions ex-bestie Kelsey Harris testified against Tory Lanez with full blown amnesia. According to Law & Crime’s Meghann Cuniff, Harris at the top of questioning: “What happened between September and today that you forgot everything?,” referring to a September interview in which Harris gave several details corroborating Lanez — whose real name is Daystar Peterson had shot Megan.

“Her team told me she stepped on glass,” Kelsey said on the stand Thursday, according to NPR reporter Gabby Bulgarelli.

Harris testified “some things” were true in that video, but not all of it — repeating she had forgotten much of what she initially said because she is anxious, dealing with postpartum depression and death in the family, a note she made the first time she took the stand on Wednesday. 

 Harris told the defense that she “would like to make that very clear” that Lanez, whose real name is Daystar Peterson, did not pay her prior to the beginning of the trial. Pete had previously claimed Peterson had offered her “a million dollars” to not tell authorities that he had shot her.

She is def not a ride or die!

APD detective on the case to ask why he didn’t pursue Harris as a possible shooter, and said prosecutors could bring in Harris’ texts, including one text sent to Pete’s security guards: “Help,’’ “Tory shot meg,” and “911,” plus another which Harris had sent to Pete: 

“Should I get a scan at urgent care? My chest is hurting… my left side, back and neck hurt, but that’s from the fighting and him dragging me out of the car by my hair.” Kelsey also balmes achohol for not remebering most of the night due to drinking at Kylies Jenner party.

Her story makes no sense! To be continued…

