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Lil Scrappy x Erica Dixon Headed To Love And Hip Hop Miami

Lil Scrappy And Erica Dixon Headed To Miami



I know you all remember this season of Love And Hip Hop Atlanta Lil Scrappy basically call it quits with Bambi and claimed he was moving to Miami. He even gel a bachelor celebration going away party where Miami’s own Gunplay performed. 

I guess Scrappy is the introduction to Miami with his baby mama Erica Dixon. The two were spotted down in the MIA with cameras on deck. I think we all knew Scrappy and Erica would somehow find their way back to one another. 

Jeff Lewis (@JeffFromHarlem) successful career thus far in media and publishing is quickly on the rise. Since the start of his career in 2009, he has become one of the most influential bloggers/pop culture commentators in New York City. If you read the blogs or spend time using social media, it's almost impossible not to stumble upon his work.

