In the midst of the aftermath of Drake and Kendrick Lamar’s recent lyrical dispute, a new figure has emerged, earning the moniker “the Riddler.” Today, a...
Kash Doll has been the ladies on some serious game with her new “Kash Kommandments” and we suggest y’all take note. She just released the video...
Kendrick Lamar’s latest track “Not Like Us” is making waves on the charts and TikTok, but some fans are crying foul, accusing him of lifting lyrics...
Rick Ross recently responded to The Game’s latest diss track with a simple statement: “You n****s starving.” The track, titled “Freeway’s Revenge,” dropped last night, packed...
We guess Shaq decided to go back to his Shaq Fu days and get in booth. He just dropped a Shannon Sharpe diss track via his...
The Game has been calling Rick Ross out the past week via his instagram stories. However, the boss showed no reaction to the bait. Look like...
Shannon Sharpe spoke on Shaq not Claiming He’s Not Considered A GOAT and envious of Nikola Jokić. SWIPE Shaq replied: you took me sticking up shai...
Megan Thee Stallion “BOA”
The Game definitely wants smoke with Rick Ross. He made a few direct subliminal shots and the boss via IG stories a few days ago. Now...
First Look At Power Book II: Ghost 2 Part Final Season Premiering June 7th.