A new documentary titled “Chris Brown: The Rise and Fall,” focused on the domestic violence allegations against Chris Brown, is set to air on Investigation Discovery...
Kevin Hart distanced himself from Sean “Diddy” Combs when asked about hosting parties with the music mogul, who is now facing sex trafficking and racketeering charges....
Raven-Symoné announced the passing of her father, Christopher Pearman, sharing the news on social media. She posted a heartfelt tribute, expressing her love and gratitude towards...
Boosie BadAzz shared a public apology to his daughter Iviona after she expressed the hurt she felt from him constantly attacking her sexuality. During a sit...
Damian Lillard want y’all to stop trying to make fetch happen. During NBA media day he was asked if once again if anything was going on...
Lil Reese was arrested in Houston for allegedly assaulting his ex-girlfriend, leading to charges of aggravated assault causing bodily injury. The arrest came after Reese was...
Nicki Minaj made headlines during her “Pink Friday 2” tour after she fired her longtime DJ, DJ Boof, in the middle of a performance. The incident,...
Saweetie is setting the record straight after facing accusations of supporting colorism. The rapper recently addressed comments from social media users who accused her of endorsing...
Dikembe Mutombo, the Hall of Fame, finger-wagging center has died of brain cancer at the age of 58, the NBA announced Monday. Mutombo’s family revealed two...
Rasheeda recently shared a shocking update about her son, Ky Frost, revealing that he was involved in a serious car accident. The Love & Hip Hop:...