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Suzette The Squirrel Not Happy About Ceaser Accusing Her Of Making A Complaint To Authorities



Suzette The Squirrel was not happy about David “Ceaser” Emanuel accusing her of making a complaint to Animal Cruelty Control in Atlanta. She says she has served Emanuel with a gag order to stop speaking on her and he should take accountability for what he did.

“How did I make a complaint to animal cruelty est es anything to save face! I think animal cruelty got involved sir once they saw the video!! Pr Stunt control. You clearly on video abusing dogs but made a video saying they were attacking you. Striaght lies. Then u do a world tour on the leaking
of the video instead of addressing you need help! I served him with a gag order so now “his team” is saying | did what « because he can’t speak on my Name! pleaseee your goal has always been to destroy my image if I left and that’s why I stayed as long as I did out of fear. Finding out u was cheating the WHOLE time was enough for me to leave and your MAD! Own up to your consequences and stop putting my name in shit. There’s so much I know if I wanted to
take u out, it wouldn’t have been over no dogs !.!! enough is enough I left l’m happy and good and you’re sick! SMH Just leave me alone already”

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