Ashanti and Nelly hosted another baby shower for their first child, affectionately called “Baby Haynes.” The event, held at Oheka Castle in New York, featured a...
Nelly and Ashanti Celebrate Their Baby Shower With Family and Friends. The two were surrounded by their loved ones as they shared their love story as...
Nelly and Ashanti has been married for about 6 months. Looks like all the non believers that’s said he wasn’t gone marry her has been proven...
Nelly has been rocking the stage with Janet Jackson on her Together Again Your and Ashanti has been right there cheering her baby daddy on. She...
Ashanti Hit The Stage To Perform In Mississippi With Her Baby Bump Exposed For The First Time
Now y’all know Ashanti was gone make sure a check was involved. She finally makes an official announcement about her pregnancy. Ashanti partnered up with Proov...
Nelly and Ashanti really seem to enjoy one another. These two are always having fun and laughing with each other and we love to see. The...