Chrisean Rock, currently incarcerated and set for extradition to Oklahoma, showed support for Bhad Bhabie amidst a viral abuse incident. Despite her jail situation, Rock tweeted...
Ryan Garcia has commented on Bhad Bhabie’s newly surfaced domestic violence footage. The video, which shows an altercation between Bhad Bhabie and her baby father Le...
Lil Reese has denied making violent comments about Le Vaughn, Bhad Bhabie’s ex, amid an abuse controversy. A fake account posing as Lil Reese commented on...
Bhad Bhabie shared footage of her boyfriend Le Vaughn attacking her, revealing that they have been separated since May. Despite still loving him, she acknowledges the...
Bhad Bhabie Post and Delete Video Footage and Photos Being Beaten By Her Baby’s Daddy Le Vaughn aka LV. She revealed the two have not been...
Bhad Babie is facing heat on Twitter after sharing her new look. The girl we all know is as pale as the Cullens from the Twilight...
Bhad Bhabie ft. City Girls “Yung And Bhad” [NEW MUSIC]