A new documentary titled “Chris Brown: The Rise and Fall,” focused on the domestic violence allegations against Chris Brown, is set to air on Investigation Discovery...
A woman has come forward with disturbing allegations, claiming she was sexually assaulted during a party at a house where Chris Brown and Sage the Gemini...
On a recent episode of The Stephen A. Show, R&B singer Tank made a bold statement, claiming that Chris Brown is better than Michael Jackson. Tank...
Chris Brown and Kehlani have reunited, marking a significant moment after Brown previously criticized Kehlani’s 2016 suicide attempt. The two artists were seen together at an...
Chris Brown and Yella Beezy are facing a $50 million lawsuit over an alleged assault that took place during their “11:11 Tour.” The plaintiff claims they...
Chris Brown expressed his frustration on Instagram after discovering an online lookalike who was pretending to be him. The singer left a harsh comment on the...
Jeremih “Wait On It” FT. Chris Brown and Bryson Tiller Out Now!
Chris Brown Gets Stuck In The Air During His Performance At The Prudential Center In Newark New Jersey
Recently, 50 Cent made a joke about Chris Brown possibly buying up all the tickets to Quavo’s show in Connecticut during their ongoing feud. He took...