During a recent Instagram Live session, Doja Cat’s broadcast was abruptly interrupted by a NSFW incident involving a man’s butt appearing on screen. The unexpected event...
Doja Cat’s Twitter account was hacked, leading to insulting posts directed at Iggy Azalea. The bizarre tweets quickly revealed the account’s compromise. Azalea responded, clarifying that...
Doja’s mom, filed for a temporary restraining order against her 30 year old son, Raman, claiming he’s abused them both. She claims he knocked Doja’s teeth...
Rolling Ray is sick of the celebrities jacking his style. Today, he called out Doja Cat for stealing his ”it’s not giving whats its suppose to...
Doja Cat’s concert got out of hand in Indianapolis after a fan was arrested for making a bomb threat at her concert. According to the Metropolitan...
On Friday, Doja finally released the long-awaited music video for album standout “Woman,” and all eyes aren’t entirely on her. Also starring in the offering, directed...
YoungBoy Never Broke Again wants to put a ring on Doja Cat. The Baton Rouge rapper, who was recently released from jail, revealed that he has...
Introducing Pepsi-Cola Soda Shop, two new flavors with a modern take on the classic soda shop experience. Doja Cat sings ‘You’re The One That I Want’...
Ariana Grande “34+35” Remix ft. Doja Cat & Meg Thee Stallion Video