Diddy’s family recently gathered in Los Angeles to celebrate his daughter Chance’s high school graduation. Despite recent legal challenges, Diddy’s sons, Justin and King Combs, were...
The Los Angeles and Miami home of Sean “Diddy” Combs was raided by Homeland Security Monday in connection with a federal sex trafficking investigation, officials said....
There’s some wild drama going down in the entertainment world. So, peep this: Rodney Jones, this former producer and videographer, dropped a lawsuit bomb on Diddy,...
A criminal case was filed against Justin Combs on June 27th. He has been charged with 2 misdemeanors for driving under the influence and having a...
Welp! Diddy did say this was an act bad summer. The hip hop mogul’s oldest son, Justin Combs, was arrested for DUI in L.A. this weekend....