Rick Ross has dismissed the backlash following his recent “Bad Boys Ride or Die” car show, where many fans demanded refunds due to disorganization. Despite attendees...
Rick Ross’ recent attempt to troll Drake at a club backfired when fans noticed the crowd only sang along to Drake’s part of their song. Ross...
Rick Ross recently responded to The Game’s latest diss track with a simple statement: “You n****s starving.” The track, titled “Freeway’s Revenge,” dropped last night, packed...
The Game has been calling Rick Ross out the past week via his instagram stories. However, the boss showed no reaction to the bait. Look like...
The Game definitely wants smoke with Rick Ross. He made a few direct subliminal shots and the boss via IG stories a few days ago. Now...
DJ Akademiks, Rick Ross, and many other figures in hip-hop responded to Kendrick Lamar’s recent diss track aimed at Drake, “Not Like Us,” on social media...
Rick Ross has shared his thoughts on Kendrick Lamar’s diss track aimed at Drake, “Euphoria.” The Miami rapper cautioned Drake on how to handle the situation....
Drake is talking real big talk in the DMs. He sent Rick Ross a very disrespectful message letting him know where his place is. Drizzy claims...
Drake and Rick Ross are going all out with the petty. Drizzy posted a text message from his mom asking if he got a nose job...