Netflix has found its leading stars for the upcoming film “R&B,” which will feature Serayah, Tyler Lepley, and Phylicia Rashad. This film marks the first collaboration...
Tyler Perry recently addressed criticism from some Black intellectuals who disparage his films, suggesting they are distancing themselves from their Blackness. Perry criticized these individuals for...
Tyler Perry is back with another one! According to Deadline: Writer-director Tyler Perry has announced the cast for his latest Netflix film, Straw, as revealed by...
A fan on Twitter X asked Tyler Perry to revive Alfonso Ribeiro‘s career. Alfonso responded, “I don’t need or ever want that man to do anything...
If you all may recall, Diddy and Tyler Perry were in the running to buy majority stake in BET. Looks like Perry was the winner in...
It’s been reported that Tyler Perry might be in talks to to buy Black Entertainment Television (BET). Paramount is looking to sale the majority stake in BET....
Move over Netflix! Amazon Prime has signed a deal with Tyler Perry. He is set to write, direct and produce four feature-length movies that will premiere...
Madea prepares to welcome her family who has all come into town to celebrate her Great-Grandson’s graduation from college when some hidden secrets threaten to destroy...
EW has your exclusive first look at her new adventures in Netflix‘s upcoming Tyler Perry’s A Madea Homecoming.” I was looking at the state of the world and...
Tyler Perry had a warm welcome to L.This morning. He was involved in a car crash while leaving the L.A Airport. All parties were unharmed in...