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Tory Lanez’s Bodyguard Alleges Kelsey Harris Had The Gun When Megan Thee Stallion Was Shot



Tory Lanez bodyguard and driver, Jaquan Smith, who was driving the SUV the night that Megan Thee Stallion says she was shot by Tory, said in a sworn statement to California Court of Appeals that it was Megan’s former friend Kelsey Harris, who had a gun in her hands at the time of the shooting.

Smith says Kelsey was holding a gun and that Lanez tried to take the gun from Kelsey when it was fired.

“Both Ms. Pete, and Mr. Peterson returned to the car after a few minutes,” Smith said in his sworn statement. “Ms. Pete was bickering but I am unsure of the exact words she was saying. She seemed upset. The four of us left Ms. Jenner’s residence.”

He says Megan and Tory got into an argument and Megan hopped out to go sit at a bus stop. Tory went to talk with Megan and the two returned to the vehicle.

“Ms. Pete started the argument again and Ms. Harris asked what was going on. Mr. Peterson told her that he and Ms. Pete had been dating and intimate,” Smith continued in his sworn statement.”


According to the driver, Tory had been seeing Megan and Kelsey. He said he pulled the car over and Megan and Kelsey started fighting.

Kelsey allegedly pulled out the weapon and Megan tried to take it from her. Smith says Lanez tried to intervene to stop the fight but the gun went off. The bodyguard says he did not see who pulled the trigger.

