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VonShae Shares Video of Gunplay Destroying Their TV With A Frying Pan



VonShae posted the video with the message below after the release of the body cam clip of Gunplay explaining his side to the police.

I was trying my hardest to just let his little story slide but I can’t…
… Yes I hit him with a bottle I did
anything possible to make him let go of our daughter and the police knows that. Furthermore my grandmother has been dead for SIX years. Didn’t know I could call the dead. This was back when I found out I was pregnant before we moved to brickell. All of this because I poured out HIS hennessy AFTER he kept buying liquor trippin, (notice in his statement he said it was me with hennessy and he broke the tv over a game once b4) he almost assaulted a fan in the parking lot just for saying “I went to high-school with you” she then called the police, that man can go from 1000 to 2 as soon as he sees the police. He did it that afternoon.This BEEN a issue. I thought during my pregnancy since things were better he will be ok. After Osanna came and got sick he went back to all his old ways. I have plenty of recordings of incidents like this and how his aggression, drinking and using progressed over time. Now here we are present day all the drama has transpired and he says the very next day on a recorded jail call he don’t remember anything to MULTIPLE people. This is his cycle. At some point enough is enough.
Once again I tried my very best to help him and change him and I failed. We all just want to move on and heal from this situation. So let’s stop playing Nancy Drew and judging people. This situation is very serious. Let’s pray for ALL parties involved.

