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Servers Accuse Beyonce And Jay Z Of Not Tipping For Malibu Event



Word on the street is Beyonce and Jay Z are being accused of being cheap when it came to tipping their servers for an event in Malibu.

From Star Magazine,

“Bey and Jay lavished guests at their bluff-top Villa Contenta palace. They spared no expense wit the finest food and drink money can buy,” spills a spy.

“But at party’s end, the serving staff – who’d worked their tails off for hours making the soirée a success – grumbled they only got a measly ‘thanks’ as a gratuity!”

One waiter was so baffled he asked a Beyonce aide, “Was there a problem with the service, because we weren’t tipped..” The resort from the BeyHive: “Beyonce loved the party…but they don’t do that.”


Jeff Lewis (@JeffFromHarlem) successful career thus far in media and publishing is quickly on the rise. Since the start of his career in 2009, he has become one of the most influential bloggers/pop culture commentators in New York City. If you read the blogs or spend time using social media, it's almost impossible not to stumble upon his work.

