Kim Kardashian and La La Anthony are collaborating with acclaimed producer Kenya Barris on a new Hulu series based on their upcoming book. The series, produced...
Kim Kardashian recently disclosed on an episode of The Kardashians that she underwent a salmon sperm facial, a treatment also tried by Jennifer Aniston. The procedure,...
Kim Kardashian attended Janet Jackson’s ‘Together Again’ Tour wearing a look originally worn by Janet in 1993 “If” music video. She purchased from an auction in...
Reports indicate that Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham Jr. have ended their relationship. Previous reports suggested that the couple were navigating the next steps in their...
Kanye West is back at it, airing his grievances about where his kids are getting their education. In a now-deleted IG post, he directly called out...
There has been rumors of Kim Kardashian 41 and and Odell Beckham Jr 31 were dating. We haven’t had any solid proof until this weekend. Rumors...
Don’t play with North West because she was a#Gagcity #Barb from birth. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s daughter celebrate the release of #PinkFriday2. She turns up...
North West was not feeling Yung Miami rocking a similar look with pearls like her mom Kim Kardashian at the 2023 Met Gala. She blasted the...
Kim Kardashian and North West Crank Dat Soulja Boy
It’s really like father like son. Saint West is really taking after his father Kanye West. While out with mom, Kim Kardashian and some of his...