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Tyreek Hill and His Wife Are Staying Together; Divorce Case Has Been Dismissed



Guess what, ya’ll? Tyreek Hill’s divorce drama just did a 180!

The Miami Dolphins star pulled the ultimate switch-up – he straight-up dismissed the divorce case. Broward County records spill the tea, showing Tyreek filed to drop it like it’s hot on Jan. 30, just eight days after the whole thing kicked off. Now it’s marked as “dismissed, settled, or disposed before hearing.”

Tyreek made it crystal clear this was coming, spilling the beans on a live stream that he never greenlit those divorce papers. He even dropped the bomb that he axed the bonehead who messed up. On his X page, he shouted out his love for Keeta, saying they’re “happily married and gone stay that way.”

Talk about a plot twist! Tyreek and Keeta are showing the world they’re rock solid, posting lovey-dovey pics on socials and rolling together to the Pro Bowl Games in Orlando. Now that’s how you shut down divorce rumors like a boss! 💔

