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Ramses Principe- Can Transform You In 90 Days.



Ramses Principe

IOE: Can you talk a little bit about your business?

Ramses Principe: My name is Ramses Principe, im the creator and CEO of MIA Fitness. I run an online training business with over 20000 clients worldwide in over a 100+ countries. The main purpose and goal of myself and my company is to show others that they are capable of accomplishing anything they want in life. whether its fitness, lifestyle and self confidence through hard work and dedication to ourself. 

IOE: As a Fitness Entrepreneur, what type of services do you offer?

RP: I offer online training programs and E-books for clients world wide which help them find the right steps in order to achieve their fitness goals. 

IOE: What is the 90 day transformation program?


RP: My 90 day programs consist of a custom workout and meal plan for clients which is set up based on their current shape and goals that they are looking to achieve. My programs are designed to make this a lifestyle change for my clients in order for them to maintain their results forever instead of just a short term diet plan. 

IOE: How long have you been an online coach?

RP: For over 7 years. I was one of the first ones to start coaching online when instagram had just started. 

IOE: Can you talk a little about the MIA Foundation?

RP: MIA Foundation was started about a year ago with one purpose and that was to give back to my community. To me the ultimate measure of success is giving back and that has always been a dreamed of mine, so after building a platform for myself I thought what better way to take advantage of it then by giving back, right now we have 5 events going on every year and we are slowly expanding and working with bigger brands as well as our local community. 


IOE: A lot of the donations are going to the kids of Miami Dade, specifically Foster Kids. How important is this to you? Why is this important to you?

RP: This is huge for me because those kids are our future generations and leaders of our community so it’s important for me to help them out and motivate them to live out their dreams by being a role model to them.

IOE: Is there anything new we should expect from you?

RP: Yes, I just released my own supplement Line of supplements infused with CBD and its going to change the fitness industry which I’m more than stoked about it.

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