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Jonathan Henderson: Every Set Back, Is A Set Up For A Major Come Back



J. Henderson

Asia Diamond: Who is Jonathan Henderson?

Jonathan Henderson: I’m a 27 year old graphic artist, photographer, model and manager of a restaurant in Long Island, New York. Born and raised in Eastern Long Island. When I’m not working you’ll find me either at the gym or relaxing in bed listening to music and doing some editing. Step out on occasion but not as often as I use to in the past. 

AD: As a man with many talents,  what keeps you grounded and focused? 

JH: The end prize. Success is what I strive for. Not everything is going to be placed in my lap. You have to work hard toward your goals and stay motivated throughout the process knowing things will get tough but it’ll be one step closer to your end goal. You’re meant to go through setbacks while trying to get there as well. I’ve gone through A LOT behind the scenes that not many would know about since I don’t post on social media about that kind of stuff, but I’ll never let a minor set back hold me back from pushing towards my dreams. Instead I figure out a plan B and keep it pushing. Ever since my last roadblock in life, I’ve lived by the quote, “Every set back, is a set up for a major come back”. So I’m in my come back season right now.

AD: What end goals do you desire for your brand? 


JH: One of my dreams is to be any top hip hop artists , graphic artist/photographer. Follow them around the world, meet countless artists and photographers, designers, etc. Being able to inspire others to have a set goal and push towards achieving that goal and not let setbacks hold them back and give up. Anything is possible for anyone as long as you work for it.

 AD: As someone who has a successful brand,  have you ever considered a mentorship program?  

JH: I have definitely put that too thought as well. This is actually something I’ve talked to one of my friends about recently whose planning to start up something similar. Anything to motivate and inspire others , I’m always down for.

AD: What is next for Mr. Henderson?

JH: Right now my focus is working, saving money, getting back on my feet 100% and getting my body back in excellent shape. I plan to start shooting a lot more this summer and getting back into the model life and expanding my brand even more. I’ve had to take a little break from it all to focus on my personal life but definitely looking to get back into everything this summer 2019! 


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